List of the searched places:
The aim of the map is to show that mixing open source technology can leed to complex maps.
Data representing: bars, pubs, cafe, fast-food and restaurants, are from OpenStreetMap.
Overpass API was used to get the data programaticaly from OpenStreetMap in GeoJSON format, via Overpass turbo an interactive Web based frontend platform.
CARTO is used to store the GeoJSON data. It has been chosen due to its integration with the PostgreSQL platform.
Turf.js is used to dinamicaly get the values of the distance between the user location and the location of the searched places.
The map was created by mapWizard, using the JavaScript library Leaflet, witch allows the display of geospatial data in browser.
For more informations about the map and other questions related with GIS and webmapping, contact Corina Tudorache at
At the same time, if someone wants to search bars, pubs, cafe, fast-food and restaurants from a specific city, please don't heasitate to contact Corina Tudorache. We can add locations form any other city for a few days.